
The goal of Reporters Without Borders Germany is to help journalists protect themselves against harassment and persecution and enable them to continue or resume their journalistic work in their home country. We support journalists through scholarships that give them the opportunity to train and expand their skills, make a fresh start in their career, or simply take some time out from stressful working conditions.

Berlin Scholarship Program

Digital threats pose a risk to the work of journalists all over the world. Reporters Without Borders Germany has created the Berlin Scholarship Programme to help journalists protect themselves online.


Rest and Refuge Fellowship

We would like to give journalists from countries with restricted press freedom the opportunity to recover from their challenging working conditions for six months in Berlin, to further their professional and personal development.


Berlin Scholarship Program

To help journalists protect themselves online, Reporters Without Borders has created the Berlin Fellowship Program.


Deyda Hydara Scholarship

The Deyda Hydara Scholarship is intended to provide a flexible response to specific emergency situations faced by journalists.


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