Andrea Rincon Carrillo

Andrea Rincón Carrillo


Andrea Rincón Carrillo

Andrea Rincón Carrillo is an investigative journalist and editor from Colombia. She has reported on organized crime, corruption, disinformation, abortion and environmental crimes.

She currently works at Cuestión Pública, a renowned independent media outlet. Her work has also been published in France 24 in Spanish, and W Radio. She co-authored the book New Latin American Narrative on Drugs, published by the Gabriel García Márquez Foundation. Andrea Rincón was part of the team that won the King of Spain International Journalism Award to Cuestión Pública as the best media of Ibero-America in 2023. She was also recognized for best investigative text by the Simón Bolívar National Journalism Award for The Rafael Project, which won an honorable mention by the Inter-American Press Association's Journalistic Excellence Awards in 2023. 

From NarcoFiles, Corruption and Punishment, Disenchantment Elections, Deadly Transactions to We Know What You Did Last Legislature, Andrea’s reporting has aimed to shed light on abuses of power and human rights violations. She has been a fellow at Columbia J-School and was part of the first cohort of the JournalismAI program for Small Newsrooms of The London School of Economics (2024) in Latin America.

In the Berlin Scholarship Program, she aims to improve her digital security knowledge to contribute to safety protocols in her newsroom, especially for the female journalists she works with.

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