Konferenz - Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field

Zum ausführlichen Programm

In vier Einzelpräsentationen berichten die ehemaligen Teilnehmer*innen des Berliner Stipendienprogramms Joëlle-Marie Declercq aus Brasilien, Jonathan Dagher aus dem Libanon, Adnan Aamir aus Pakistan und Sofia Mapuranga aus Simbabwe über die schwierige Lage der Pressefreiheit in ihren Ländern und erläutern, mit welchen Strategien und Tools sie sich seit ihrer Rückkehr in ihrer journalistischen Praxis gegen Bedrohungen aus dem digitalen Raum wehren.


Joëlle-Marie Declercq (Brazil): Threats against journalists in Brazil under Bolsonaro

Marie Declercq is a Brazilian journalist covering gender and youth issues in her country. She faced doxxing attacks as well as hate speech on social media after reporting far-right groups spreading hate through social media. In her talk, she explains the how she is dealing with these threats and what the right-wing government means for independent journalism.

Mehr über Marie Declercq

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Joëlle-Marie Declercq (Brasil)
Adnan Aamir (Pakistan)


Adnan Aamir (Pakistan): Which level of digital security and anonymity is possible for journalists?

Adnanis a Pakistani journalist who reports about politics, conflict, and economy. In his presentation, Adnan explains how digital security can benefit journalists in Pakistan. He will talk about the level of digital security and anonymity, which is possible for journalists like him. He will also shed light on what level of surveillance journalists like him have to accept as a cost of doing their job.

Mehr über Adnan Aamir

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SleGDtiKSuI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Sofia Mapuranga (Zimbabwe): Countering digital threats to independent journalism in Zimbabwe after Mugabe

Even in Zimbabwe's post Mugabe era journalists are facing massive repressions and censorship. One of the few independent media outlets is London-based ZimEye. For ZimEye, Secure communication is crucial as the identities of correspondents and their source insides Zimbabwe have to be protected. In her talk, Sofia will give an overview about the digital threats to independent journalism and the possible counter-measures.

Mehr über Sofia Mapuranga

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Mx6NMza-Gzc" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sofia Mapuranga (Zimbabwe)
Jonathan Dagher (Lebanon)


Jonathan Dagher (Lebanon): The role of independent news platforms in the #LebanonProtest

With the onset of the protests in Lebanon on October 17, Megaphone, one of the few politically independent news platforms in the country, became a main reference for young people in Lebanon and abroad. Megaphone is a social-media native platform, which poses a challenge to the journalists who make up the team. Online mobs, biased algorithms, advertising costs, and surveillance risks are just some of the challenges that peaked during the revolution. Jonathan, a journalist from Megaphone, discusses these challenges and explains how the team tries to tackle them with the limited means they have.

Mehr über Jonathan Dagher

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FOzF8QvAIDA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Anschließend wird der digitale Helpdesk vorgestellt – das neue interaktive Fortbildungs-Tool für bedrohte Journalist*innen zu Themen der digitalen Sicherheit.


The Digital Helpdeskof RSF (Benjamin Güldenring)

The Digital Helpdesk is the new interactive training tool by RSF threatened journalists can use to get informed independently on topics such as encryption, anonymization, account security and reacting professionally to hate speech and fake news.Benjamin Güldenring from RSF Germany will explain, what practical use the Digital Helpdesk has for journalists who are not IT-spezialistsbut want to improve their digital security nevertheless.

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Benjamin Güldenring
Zum Abschluss der Veranstaltung kommen die oben vorgestellten ehemaligen Teilnehmer*innen des Berliners Stipendienprogramms miteinander ins Gespräch.
Panel discussion lead by Christine Mhundwa (DW)


Panel discussion lead by Christine Mhundwa (DW): How to spread knowledge about digital security in crisis areas?

In a concluding round of talks, Jonathan Dagher, Marie Declercq, Sofia Mapuranga and Adnan Aamir will give an insight into what possibilities they are seizing and what difficulties they have to overcome in order to pass on the acquired knowledge on digital security to journalists in their home countries after their return from Berlin.

Das Berliner Stipendienprogramm zur Stärkung von Journalist*innen im digitalen Raum wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe.

​​19:00 - 21:00

Abendveranstaltung: 10 Jahre Nothilfearbeit von Reporter ohne Grenzen – eine Bilanz

Am Abend nach der Konferenz laden wir zur Jubiläumsveranstaltung des ROG Nothilfereferats ein. Journalist*innen im Exil geben dort einen Einblick in ihre Erfahrungen und diskutieren mit Medienvertreter*innen zum Thema „Nach der Flucht – Perspektiven für Journalist*innen in Deutschland“.

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